We spend approximately eight hours a day sleeping and during this process we are resting the body and mind so that we can perform the same processes and tasks that exhausted you the previous day.
A further eight hours are spent working and interacting with other people possibly with different views, influences and ambitions. The sharing and absorbing of which may be good, distracting or harmful. Work stresses are also a drain on energy levels. Some of the anxiety is created by yourself for personal image or ambition, whilst the rest are handed over by others.
Breakfast may be done in a rush and at a convenience. Lunch may be the best meal eaten in a hurry or whilst in discussion about a passionate topical subject.
When you are back home, the body and mind cater to the family needs, home needs, and preparation for the next day. Whilst relaxing and watching television or streaming video clips on the phone, the weakened state is easily influenced by the adverts creating a lifestyle for you.
The rest of the day - throughout the day maybe solely dedicated to an obligation - ie texting and social networking - so that you are in the picture and in control.
Imagine that this is a summary (and sum and total) of your life on earth that you are taking through the pearly gates after death. Also imagine a few years after your death on earth. Apart from a few memories spoken about occasionally, life went on.
If you are happy with that so cheers and good wishes on the way. If you are not happy wit that:-
Eat the foods that nourish you. Be very mindful of preparing the food as you and the others eat the food and are nourished by the thoughts. Eat at the right times, and perhaps the biggest meal may not be at night when nature says 'shut down'. Take control of what you put into the body!
Be directed and organised at any work scenario. If you don't enjoy it look at the possibility of moving on. Those with more serious issues speak to human resources or seek professional help (better than the pub or a meddler). Bring harmony into your life, and take control of your direction!
Choose programs that bring harmony to the mind. Repetitive bad news and violent movies may create a distracted and unsettled mind. Discuss media and adverts and be sure that this is what you need to add value to your life goals, rather what is required to keep up the image. Take control of what you absorb into you mind!
Cut down on the social networking where possible, unless it adds true value to your goals.
Meditate and remain calm, then review your life chapters. Remove the non added value items and you would surely need less sleep and be a lot more effective and productive.
Take care.